Pinky Winky Prime Hydrangea
Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky Prime'
Big white clusters bloom from mid to late summer, turning pink at the base as fall nears. New white flowers grow at the tips, making for a constantly changing two-toned look.
Prune in late winter/early spring.
(Image: Proven Winners)
Zones: 3 to 8
Height: 6-8ft
Width: 6-8ft
Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Part Sun
Soil: Well-Draining, Loamy
Bloom Time: Mid Summer
Available end of April for pickup or delivery.
Delivery & Installation Options- Call for details
Delivery: We can deliver if you are 30 miles from our location in St. Joseph, MI! Contact our team for details.
Installation: Let us do the dirty work! Contact our team for details.